Lachlan Home and Community Care (HACC) clients enjoyed Gentle Exercise classes with personal trainer Brayden Davis and his team from Willowbend Sports Centre 2877 in December last year.
The Movement Group class was held at the Condobolin Sports Club.
On Tuesday, 7 December Trisha Golya guided participants through their paces. She tested them with mind muscle memory. Clients had to listen to what was said and transfer it to a movement.
“We absolutely love the determination some of our clients have when doing these little challenges!“ Willowbend Sports Centre 2877 Manager Brayden Davis said.
“This year has been super fun with this amazing group! We mixed a lot of our normal exercises up to mix both gross motor skills with balance, and like always they take it as a challenge and give it a really good go!
“Unfortunately, due to Covid restrictions it made some partnered exercises we had originally done together a bit hard! But we worked around it and towards the end of the year and really focussed on mobility and stretch.”
The classes focus on core strength and using exercise as a preventative measure for falls.
“Brayden and his team make sure everyone does exercises suited to their ability,” HACC Relieving Co-ordinator Cath Cooper said.
“Come along and have a go. There has been major improvement in strength and muscle for those attending classes.
There are many benefits to the exercise classes, so come and check them out.”
The fitness classes are for Lachlan HACC clients only. The Movement Group class will begin again on Tuesday, 1 February.
If you want to find out more about HACC contact the office on 6895 4320 or drop by 7 Melrose Street, Condobolin. For Lake Cargelligo residents, contact 6898 1063, and for Tottenham residents call 6895 4320.
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