The $12 Million Mitchell Highway upgrade between Nyngan and Bourke [...]
The Nyngan Men’s Shed has won the $500 Herb Clarke [...]
On Thursday 14th July, Nyngan RSL hosted a free Farm [...]
Abby Byrnes (Lake Cargelligo), Lilly Meldrum (Nyngan), Hannah Hawker (Parkes) [...]
Media Release After a two-year COVID-19 enforced absence the volunteers [...]
Superhero dogs, apologetic dogs, merry-go-round horses, jelly fish, and butterflies, [...]
On Friday 13th May, Nyngan High School had Michael Dolce, [...]
May is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. On Sunday 8th May, [...]
The Federal Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton visited Nyngan last [...]
On Thursday 28th April, The Beanies performed at Nyngan’s Town [...]
Over the past three weeks, Bogan Shire Council has provided [...]
Latest News
Successful Car Wash fundraiser
Condobolin High School Year 12 students held a car wash [...]
Congratulations, Georgia!
Congratulations to Georgia Clemson (far left) who was selected in [...]
Staff say farewell to Condobolin Public School
Compiled by Melissa Blewitt Relieving Principal Mrs Lorraine Farrugia recognised [...]
Next steps for upgrades
By Melissa Blewitt Condobolin is one step closer to gaining [...]
Visitors bring smiles to residents faces
By Melissa Blewitt Two miniature horses put big smiles on [...]
Robert Holmes recognised for military service
By Melissa Blewitt Robert William Holmes (Condobolin), a World War [...]