A few years ago the Condobolin CWA donated funds to refurbish the Palliative Care Ward in Condobolin District Hospital.

Now Ann Tunks a well known life member of Condobolin CWA and local artist has donated two of her paintings to the Ward. ‘Blue Hills’ started from a sketch on the back of an envelope while driving to Forbes. ‘Nitmiluk (Katherine) Gorge’ was painted after Anne had seen a picture of it.

Ann has been drawing & painting from an early age. Her earliest competition was at age 8 at the Flower Show held in the Central Hall,where the chemist is now. While attending boarding school at Presbyterian Ladies College from 1947 to 1950. Ann attended Special Art classes & while there had her art on show at the school.

Ann has entered various water colors, oil paints, drawings & pastels in the Condobolin Shows, CWA State Conference competitions & the Blue Waters competition at Lake Cargelligo.

While she has been a talented & prolific artist for most of her life, she had never held a exhibition of her own till she was 80 in response from support of her family. This exhibition was titled ‘ From Behind The Couch’ it was held at the Condobolin Comunity Center. Her second exhibition was in Coolah. Both were a success & enjoyed by the local community.

Her volume of work has slowed in recent years but she still enjoys being creative, painting & drawing is what she loves.

Contributed by Condobolin CWA Publicity Officer Karen Brangwin.

Last Updated: 30/07/2020By

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