Back Row - Joanna O'Reilly, Juliet King, Blake Dillon, Dylan Bendall, Dylan Browne and Tate Leal. Front Row - Emma Bendall, Amelia O'Reilly, Jack Dillon and Damon Imrie. Squatting - Ricky Murray-Wright.


Tullibigeal Central School’s secondary students have recently been heading over to Condobolin every Friday to attend hour long Personal Trainer Sessions.
The students are booked for 4 weeks at Logan Thorpe Fitness. Their first session was on Friday the 12th of November and their final session will be Friday the 3rd of December.
It’s reported that the students have been enjoying their trips to Condobolin and love the experience they’re being given at the gym.
These sessions were organised by Mrs Bendall.
Image Credits: Contributed


Last Updated: 08/12/2021By

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