Council’s achievement celebrated

Lachlan Shire Council has been celebrated at the National Awards for Local Government.

The Condobolin Improved Freight Logistics and Visitor Information Centre project was awarded an Honourable Mention in the Road Safety category of the prestigious 2024 National Awards for Local Government.

Lachlan Shire Council Mayor, Cr Paul Phillips, was elated to learn of Council’s achievement.

“Lachlan Shire Council has been committed to this project since 2016 and has worked tirelessly to deliver it,” he stated.

“I am thrilled that our project has received this national accolade, following the Highly Commended award in the Asset and Infrastructure category at the 2024 NSW Local Government Excellence Awards in June.”

The National Awards for Local Government are an annual celebration of local government achievements in Australia. They highlight initiatives that are innovative, strengthen communities, and have outcomes that are replicable across the country.

In 2024, the Awards Ceremony was held on Thursday, 4 July. This year, the awards received 144 nominations across 11 categories from councils around the nation.

In addition to a winner being announced for each category, 13 councils were awarded Honourable Mentions to recognise the high calibre of their entry.

Lachlan Shire Council nominated the Condobolin Improved Freight Logistics and Visitor Information Centre project in both the Road Safety and Regional Growth categories.

Lachlan Shire Council General Manager, Mr Greg Tory, said he is “immensely proud of the entire team from Lachlan Shire who have worked to deliver this project for the community and the wider region.”

“It is gratifying to see the far-reaching impact of this project recognised at a national level through these prestigious awards.”

The winner of the Regional Growth Category was City of Launceston’s Public Wi-Fi Network project. The Road Safety Category was won by the City of Gold Coast for their Active School Travel Program.

“The aim of the project was to assist the travelling public, harvest contractors and the broader transport industry by improving road conditions and providing a safe, visible rest area facility,” a statement by Lachlan Shire Council said.

“To achieve this, the project incorporated road reconstruction, realignment of intersections, and replacement of culverts to improve the flood resilience of nine kilometres of roadway used as an alternate traffic route when the Newell Highway is closed by flooding.

“The roads are also popular with heavy vehicle operators and as tourist routes for travellers seeking off-highway experiences.

“To assist people driving long distances manage driver fatigue, the project also included construction of off-street long vehicle parking, 24–hour accessible toilets and showers, and construction of a visitor information centre,” the statement said.

Last Updated: 24/07/2024By

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