Successful Fishing Competition for JRL
Many locals took the opportunity to take part in the Condobolin Junior Rugby League Fishing Competition over Easter.
There were lots of entries and it appeared as if the magnificent Murray Cod and Yellow Belly were on the bite.
There were a lot of entries recorded around the 40 centimetre to the impressive 89 centimetre mark.
All entrants abided by NSW Fisheries rules and regulations. Prizes were given for Biggest Cod, Biggest Silver Perch, Biggest Carp, and Heaviest Bag of Carp. This was a catch and release competition.
A presentation for the competition was held at the Condobolin RSL on Sunday, 31 March.
In the Family category the Biggest Cod went to the Schaefer Family, with an 80 centimetre beauty. Runners Up was also the Schaefer Family with a 79 centimetre catch.
The Biggest Silver Perch in the Family category went to the Terrance Coe Family, with a fish measuring 52.75 centimetres. The Chris Williams family were Runners Up with a 44 centimetre fish.
The Lobb Family hauled in the Biggest Carp, which measured 71 centimetres. There Norris Family took second spot with a carp measuring 69 centimetres.
The Heaviest Bag of carp went to the Flicky Coe family, who managed to catch 53.62 kilograms of the river pest. The Francis Dargin family also lent a hand in removing the carp from the river, bagging 52.1 kilograms.
The Sloane Family caught the biggest Yellow Belly, with a fish measuring 48 centimetres. They also managed to secure second place with a 41.5 centimetre catch.
In the female category, Julie Norris reeled in a 79 centimetre Murray Cod, to win that section. Nikki Smith was a close second, catching a 76 centimetre Murray Cod.
In the male section, Kain Worland was lucky enough to catch the biggest Murray Cod, which measured 89 centimetres. Blake Smith was Runner Up with a fish of 86.5 centimetres.
Kain Worland also caught the biggest carp at 67 centimetres. Lane Doyle was the runner up with a carp measuring 64 centimetres.
Kain Worland caught a substantial 62.15 kilograms of carp, securing the heaviest bag of carp prize. Lane Doyle was Runner Up with 36.34 kilograms.
Jaden Glasson bagged the biggest Yellow Belly, with a good sized 45 centimetre specimen. Timmy Atkinson was Runner Up with a 41 centimetre catch.
Ernie Peterson secured the only Silver Perch in the category, reeling in a 45 centimetre fish.
In the Under 12s category, Caylee Loftus caught the biggest Murray Cod, with her fish measuring 86 centimetres. Lylah Smith’s 73 centimetre Murray Cod was named Runner Up.
Lylah Smith continued her good fishing fortune by also snagging the biggest Yellow Belly at 47.5 centimetres. Siarah Glasson was Runner Up with a 41 centimetre fish.
Graham Wighton Junior cast a line and was the only one in the Under 12s section to catch a Silver Perch. It measured 42.25 centimetres.
Tommy Jobson did the Lachlan River a big favour by taking out 30.46 kilograms of Carp during the competition. He won the Heaviest Bag of Carp award. Jack Edgerton was second, with a total of 22.63 kilograms of carp.
Tommy Jobson caught the biggest Carp (70 centimetres), while Ben Scarce (68 centimetres) came in second place.
“What another fabulous year for our Fishing Competition,” a post on the Condobolin JRL Official Facebook Page read.
“The weather was lovely, and the fish were on the bite.
“A big thank you to everyone who donated prizes for the competition and the raffle, to those who chased up the prizes, and to everyone who helped out over the weekend with regos and weigh ins, to the Condobolin RSL Club for having us and Nathan for organising another successful year. Thanks to Ben and Elaine for the bread for our barbecue.
“Thank you to everyone who entered, and we hope you enjoyed your weekend.
“Congratulations to all the winners and hope to see you all again next Easter.”
Lures were given out to those that were a fraction off a winning spot.
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