Abby Connell, Jaci Allen, Candace Dodgson, Charli Keates and Peter Elias were keen to help sort out Christmas goodies in the at St Vincent de Paul Society Condobolin Store, that will then be put up for sale. Image Credit: Melissa Blewitt.


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. On Thursday, 16 November members of Mini Vinnies helped out at St Vincent de Paul Society Condobolin Store by unpacking and sorting the Christmas stock. “The children also enjoyed learning about what happens ‘behind the scenes’ at Vinnies and can’t wait to help out again!” a post on the St Joseph’s Parish School Condobolin Facebook Page read. Vice-President – St Vincent de Paul – St Joseph’s Conference Condobolin Helen Atkinson said she was very grateful St Joseph’s Parish School Condobolin students attended the Condobolin store to help out. “It was very much appreciated,” she stated.

Last Updated: 30/11/2023By

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