The members of Lachlan Valley United Physie Club were able to demonstrate their beautiful dance skills and strength at the recent Club Championships, held at the Condobolin SRA Hall on Sunday the 24th September.
After working hard all year to learn five dance routines, and honing their marching skills, the Club Championships is an opportunity for club members to perform in front of family and friends and demonstrate what they have learnt, while practising competition requirements for the upcoming Zone Competition. From the super cute preschoolers, the strong 11-12’s, the stunning seniors all the way to the amazing ladies, all the members showed amazing strength and courage and danced beautifully.
This year the championships were held in Condobolin, and many Forbes members travelled over to join in the fun. The Club was also grateful to the two lovely Judges, who travelled from Penrith for the occasion. The judges were very impressed with our girls, encouraging them and offering helpful suggestions for the upcoming zone competition. were so brave to get out on the floor and let their physie lights shine!
The final event was a ‘Physie Family march off, where Dad’s, brothers, mums…anyone who doesn’t normally practise physie could have a go at marching. There were some excellent efforts, and all realise that physie marching is much harder than it looks!
Karen Allen and Coleen Avery, from Penrith, were the judges for the event.
A heartfelt thanks to all members who helped on the day to make the event a smooth and fabulous one.

Last Updated: 02/11/2023By

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