Nine projects from across the Lachlan Shire have been selected for Council and submission to the State Government for funding consideration under Round Four of the Stronger Country Communities Fund.
Councillors unanimously voted to support the nine projects and approved their application submission at an Ordinary Meeting of Council on Wednesday, 30 June.
Nineteen (19) Council and community project submissions were received for consideration under round 4 of the Stronger Country Communities Program. Councillors ranked these project submissions in priority order and applications for the highest ranked projects, to the value of the available funding, have been submitted to the Department of Regional NSW for assessment.
The successful projects include Tullibigeal Aussie Rules and Netball – Removal of fence and courts and install new court (Club to replace fence and shelter); Lachlan Valley Physie – Upgrade of facility; Lake Cargelligo Junior Cricket Club/Assoc – Purchase and install modular toilet, sewer and drainage; Diggers Ave Condobolin – River walk; Tottenham Recreation Area – Purchase and installation of fencing for child care area; Willow Bend Sports Centre Condobolin – Roof repair; Lake Cargelligo Memorial Hall – Security cameras, doors and heating; Condobolin Youth Centre – Accessibility drainage and fencing; and Lachlan Shire Council – Electronic Noticeboard – Ute design.
“In early May 2021 the Department of Regional NSW announced round 4 of the Stronger Country Communities Fund with the closing date for application being 25 June 2021,” a Stronger Countries Communities Fund Round Four report, authored by the General Manager (Greg Tory) said.
Due to the need to undertake community consultation and seek suggestions from community organisations for suitable projects, a proposed list of projects could not be prepared in time for the May Council meeting. Further, as the June Council meeting was not scheduled until after the closing date for applications community project suggestions were considered and assigned a priority ranking, by Councillors, through email outside of the normal meeting cycle.
“Councillor’s ranking of the project priorities were to the General Manager by 11 June 2021 and the results were collated to determine the overall Council ranking.
Further advice from the Department of Regional NSW allowed a number of projects which were initially considered in the general community stream to be transfer to the quarantined Enhance Female Sporting Facilities stream. This ensured that at least 50 per cent of the project funding will be directed to female sport as required in the program objectives.”
The available funding for Round Four was $792,208. The estimated cost of the projects were Tullibigeal Aussie Rules and Netball – Removal of fence and courts and install new court (Club to replace fence and shelter) $135,208; Lachlan Valley Physie – Upgrade of facility ($60,000); Lake Cargelligo Junior Cricket Club/Assoc – Purchase and install modular toilet, sewer and drainage ($65,000); Diggers Ave Condobolin – River walk ($190,000); Tottenham Recreation Area – Purchase and installation of fencing for child care area ($50,000); Willow Bend Sports Centre Condobolin – Roof repair ($75,000); Lake Cargelligo Memorial Hall – Security cameras, doors and heating ($50,000); Condobolin Youth Centre – Accessibility drainage and fencing ($100,000); and Lachlan Shire Council – Electronic Noticeboard – Ute design ($67,000).
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