Condobolin Health Service has a brand new Orthopantomogram (OPG) and Lateral Cephalometric Radiograph (Lat Ceph).
The technology is used to capture special x-rays of the sinuses/ lower face, teeth and jaw, which are taken to give invaluable diagnostic information to dentists and orthodontists.
Funding was secured through the Nell and Hermon Slade Foundation, United Hospitals Auxiliary, Condobolin branch and Western NSW Local Health District to the value of $60,000. This is on the back of a previous investment of $380,000 by Western NSW LHD in upgrading the main x-ray machine to be fully digital in early 2019.
Chief Radiographer/Sonographer Janine Slade and her team were instrumental in advocating for obtaining this technology for Condobolin Health Service over nearly 10 years and are excited for all of the benefits it will bring to patients.
“This will be a wonderful asset for not only Condobolin Health Service but the wider community,” Ms Slade explained.
“It will be very beneficial for dentists and orthodontists. They will have the diagnostic information available in a much quicker time frame and patients will not have to travel hundreds of kilometres to access such technology. The closest OPG machines are in Forbes and Parkes Hospitals.
“Everyone could see the value in having such technology. It has taken nearly 10 years to convince everyone that this is needed in Condobolin. Other uses for it include in emergency situations where people present to the emergency department with fractured jaws as a result of trauma such as head or jaw clashes in football/sport.”
An OPG is a panoramic or wide view x-ray of the lower face, which displays all the teeth of the upper and lower jaw on a single image, according to Ms Slade.
“It demonstrates the number, position and growth of all the teeth including those that have not yet surfaced or erupted. It is different from the small close up x-rays dentists take of individual teeth,” she stated.
“An OPG may also reveal problems with the jawbone and the joint which connects the jawbone to the head, called the Temporomandibular joint or TMJ’s.
“An OPG may be requested for the planning of orthodontic treatment, for assessment of wisdom teeth or for a general overview of the teeth and the bone which supports the teeth.
“A Lat Ceph is a lateral or side view x-ray of the face, which demonstrates the bones and facial contours in profile on a single film. Lat Ceph x-rays are usually used in the diagnosis and treatment of orthodontic problems.”
Both Ms Slade and Melissa Thorpe (Radiographer/trainee Sonographer) are trained to use the OPG and Lat Ceph. All patients require is a referral from their dentist or doctor to make use of the technology.
“Once you have your referral, all you have to do is make an appointment through Condobolin Health Service,” Ms Slade said.
A patient will be required to stand for around two minutes, while the scan itself takes only 13 seconds to complete.
“This makes it very beneficial to both younger and older patients, plus it is also possible for those patients who are in a wheelchair,” Ms Slade said.
The OPG and Lat Ceph technology was used for the very first time on Tuesday, 8 February.
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