Modern Slavery Policy now on Public Exhibition
Lachlan Shire Council resolved at its ordinary meeting held on Wednesday, 15 May to place its Modern Slavery Policy on public exhibition for 28 days.
It will be on display from 23 May until 20 June 2024, to seek comment and input from the community.
“The purpose of this policy is to outline Council’s commitment to identifying, managing and minimising the risk of modern slavery in its operations and supply chains and taking steps to ensure that Council suppliers and others it does business with are adequately managing modern slavery risks,” a statement from Lachlan Shire Council said.
“To ensure the Council is compliant with its obligations under the Modern Slavery Act and that Council employees are aware of the requirements in relation to Modern Slavery.”
Submissions on the Modern Slavery Policy must be received by Council no later than 4pm on Thursday 20 June 2024 and can be lodged by:
•Email to
•In writing to the General Manager Lachlan Shire Council, PO Box 216, Condobolin, NSW, 2877
•In person, your written comments can be provided to the customer service team at Condobolin and Lake Cargelligo administration offices.
The documents will be available at the following locations:
• Lachlan Shire Council website:…/Keep…/Public-Exhibition
•Lachlan Shire Council Chambers 58-64 Molong Street, Condobolin
•Lachlan Shire Council administration office Lake Cargelligo
•Condobolin Library
•Tottenham Post Office
•Tullibigeal Co-op
If you have any enquiries, please contact the Director Corporate and Community Services, Mrs Karen Pegler, on 02 6895 1900.
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