Merit winners for week 5

The following are the Tullibigeal Central School merit winners for term 2, week 5:

Hux for Outstanding effort in Music from Mrs Mason, Hux for producing neat handwriting from Mrs Rossiter, Brayden for producing neat handwriting from Mrs Rossiter, Fletcher for competently using his new sound knowledge when reading from Mrs Rossiter, Kate for competently using her new sound knowledge when reading from Mrs Rossiter, Ethan for reading 5 books from the Premier’s Reading Challenge list from Miss Smith, Ayden for reading 5 books from the Premier’s Reading Challenge list from Miss Smith, Khloe for reading 5 books from the Premier’s Reading Challenge list from Miss Smith, Kayden for reading 5 books from the Premier’s Reading Challenge list from Miss Smith, Ivy for seeking help and then working independently to calculate distances from Mrs Tyack, Ty for his excellent drawing skills when drawing a map from our novel on the class door from Mrs Tyack, Orabelle for commitment to home learning from Mrs Hayward, Veritty for Commitment to home learning from Mrs Hayward, Lexi for working hard to improve her sentence structure from Miss Anderson, Ethan for excellent effort in Science from Mrs Mason, Khloe for excellent effort in Science from Mrs Mason and Kayden for excellent effort in Science from Mrs Mason. Source and Image Credits: Tullibigeal Central School Facebook page.

Last Updated: 20/06/2024By

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