Merit winners for week 11

Congratulations to the Tullibigeal Central School Merit Award Winners for Week 11! Pippa – 25 Nights Home Reading from Mrs Rossiter, Ted – For using his sound knowledge to read new words from Mrs Rossiter, Tommy – For reading with fluency from Mrs Rossiter, Hux – 25 Nights Home Reading from Mrs Rossiter, Savannah – For improvement in her writing and challenging herself from Miss Anderson, Ty – 100% accuracy on the end of term maths test from Mrs Hayward, Ethan – 100% accuracy on the end of term maths test from Mrs Hayward, Indie – Consistently impressive work in maths from Mrs Hayward, Khloe – An outstanding Easter drawing from Mrs Hayward, Kayden – 100% on the end of term ‘Number’ test from Mrs Hayward, Sonny – A term of great results in maths from Mrs Hayward, Billy – Effort during grammar lessons from Mrs Hayward, Abigail – Effort and independence in literacy lessons from Mrs Hayward, Ricky – Excellent participation in Work Education practical’s from Mr O’Brien and Blake – Excellent mark in his business assessment from Mr O’Brien. Source and Image Credits: Tullibigeal Central Schools Facebook page.

Last Updated: 24/04/2024By

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