Merit Awards for Week 8

On Friday 22nd March, Tullibigeal Central School announced their Merit Award winners for week 8.

The following are the students and the reason for their awards.

Brayden – for his detailed writing and sounding out new words Mrs Rossiter

Pippa – for accurately typing her dingo sentence from Mrs Rossiter

Pippa – for effort in Music from Mrs Mason

Fletcher – for effort in Music from Mrs Mason

Kate – for effort in Music from Mrs Mason

Alice – for Sportsmanship and effort in PDHPE from Miss Foy

Alice – for great problem-solving skills in mathematics from Miss Anderson

Heidi – for working hard to improve her reading fluency from Miss Anderson

Indie – for raising good points when impromptu speaking from Mrs Hayward

Sonny – for raising good points when impromptu speaking from Mrs Hayward

Kayden – for thoughtful responses to books we discuss in class from Mrs Hayward

Ty – for well written responses to books we read in class from Mrs Hayward

Lexi – for working hard to write accurate and interesting sentences from Miss Anderson

Jordan – for effort and dedication in PDHPE from Miss Foy

Jax – for consistent effort and contributions in English from Miss Smith

Congratulations to all winners!

Source and Image Credits: Tullibigeal Central Schools Facebook page.

Last Updated: 11/04/2024By

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