Maintaining Gum Bend Lake facilities
Lachlan Shire Council is committed to maintaining and improving Condobolin’s Gum Bend Lake’s recreational facilities.
They are in the process of undertaking a $200,000 playground upgrade in the area, funded by Council and “NSW Planning – Everyone can Play”.
This will be an “accessible” playground, with equipment for children of all abilities and ages. There will also be a pool-style safety fence, seating and a bubbler to enable a better play experience for children and their parents.
A 2.5 metre wide, 510 metre long shared path from the carpark to the “point” is also underway. This is stage one of a planned four-stage footpath. Council is currently seeking $164,000 in funding through the Stronger Country Communities Round 3 (SCCF3), the outcome of this application should be announced shortly.
Exercise equipment is planned for stage two of the walkway project. Council is seeking $50,000 funding through the Stronger Country Communities Round 3 (SCCF3).
Council made the difficult decision not to fill the lake for this summer period in August 2019.
By Melissa Blewitt.
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