Looking back: Bogan Gate Bush Fire burns over 160 hectares

Bogan Gate residents can breathe easier after three fires burnt over 160 hectares of bush land in January 2013.
The fires are suspected to have been a result of a wheat train passing through the area and resulting sparks lit up the dry scrub.
Mid Lachlan Valley Rural Fire Service Team Captain Ken Neville said the blaze did not cause too much damage.
“Just near the ex-Army base, it came quite close to some private residences there,” Superintendent Neville said.
“It burnt out one small shed but the damage was mostly limited to the bushland.”
The flames are believed to have engulfed the area at about 2:30pm on Tuesday while temperatures soared, but two of the fires were snuffed out quickly.
The most severe of the trio, which started near the former Army barracks, quickly spread into nearby heavy woodlands and was labelled “out of control.”
Emergency warnings were issued to the public around 5pm but were downgraded two hours later as fire crews began to take control of the situation. It was still burning at the time of writing.
Superintendent Neville said they had a strong response to the fires, as fire fighters from surrounding areas joined the fight.
“At the height of it, we had about 15 brigades, six water tankers and a helicopter,” he said.
The Rural Fire Service said it was vital people carefully considered what they were doing in the hot, dry weather so these fires can be avoided and to report any problems straight away.
“Don’t use any equipment like welders, slashers or angle grinders. Sparks from these tools can quickly catch alight and cause problems,” Superintendent Neville said.

“If you see a fire, call triple 0 as quickly as possible. The earlier we get there, the better.”

Last Updated: 02/02/2024By

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