Library hours are changing across the Lachlan Shire.
Lachlan Shire Council advises that the Condobolin and Lake Cargelligo libraries will be extending their opening hours from Monday, 16 November, 2020.
The revised opening hours for Condobolin Library will be Monday to Friday 9am until 4pm; and Saturday mornings from 9.00am until 12noon.
The revised opening hours for Lake Cargelligo Library will be 9am until 4pm on Monday, Wednesday & Friday.
Following on from this, the libraries will be going back to normal opening hours from January 4, 2021 (provided there are no COVID-19 restrictions which would prevent this at that time).
From the beginning of February 2021, Condobolin Library will be recommencing Story Time with a take home craft activity and Baby Rhyme Time. However, bookings will be essential to comply with COVID-19 social distancing rules.
By Melissa Blewitt.
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