Condobolin Public School student Kobie Whiley has been elected as part of the Aurora College Aboriginal High Potential and Gifted students (AHPGS) program. Image Credit: Condobolin Public School.


Condobolin Public School student Kobie Whiley has been accepted into the Aboriginal High Potential and Gifted Students program (AHPGS) at Aurora College.
Thanks to the latest cutting-edge technologies that Aurora provides, Kobie will learn with other Aboriginal students from across the state, whilst remaining on country.
The Year Five student had to write a short speech as part of the application process and complete surveys about his learning.
Kobie is extremely excited to be participating in the program and is looking forward to attending timetabled lessons through a virtual learning environment. Orientation for the program began in Week Four.
“Towards the end of last term, I received a letter from the Department of Education inviting me to apply for a place in the Aboriginal High Potential and Gifted Students program at Aurora College,” Kobie told students and educators at an assembly recently.
“Aurora College is a virtual school offered to students living in rural and remote communities.
“A place in the program would mean that I would attend virtual classes from our school for math, science and technology with a focus on STEM. I would return to my normal class for all other subjects.
“My application included writing a two to three minute speech explaining why I wanted to apply and how I thought attending Aurora College would help me in my future. Mum, Miss Norrie and Mrs Lesley helped me with my application and had to complete surveys about my learning. I only had a few days to complete my application and was lucky that I had people helping me.
“A few weeks after I applied Mum got an email explaining that I had been offered a place in the Aboriginal High Potential and Gifted Students program. The program starts with orientation this term and classes will run from Year Six through to the end of Year 8.
“I am very excited about this amazing opportunity.
“I am looking forward to meeting my new classmates from different towns and am especially looking forward to attending the technology and STEM lessons at Aurora College.”
Aurora College is the New South Wales Department of Education virtual school, which has been educating students since 2015.
It provides opportunities and experiences for students in rural and remote communities across NSW.
Students connect with the teachers and classmates through virtual lessons which comprises of video conferencing software, a learning management system, and a range of cutting-edge online communication and collaboration tools.

Last Updated: 23/11/2022By

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