Kirsty Cordon is the new District Vet for Condobolin. She is part of the Central West Local Land Services animal health team. Image Credit: Central West Local Land Services.


Kirsty Cordon will now be covering Condobolin as the District Vet on Thursdays and Fridays.

She has joined Danielle Plummer, who is the new District Vet for Nyngan, as part of the Central West Local Land Services animal health team.

Both vets come with a wealth of experience working interstate and locally, Kirsty having worked in South Australia, Queensland and Victoria.

“I am looking forward to getting out on farm and meeting the locals of Condo, to learn what challenges they face and to work with them to solve problems,” she explained.

“I will cover the Condobolin region including Lake Cargelligo and Euabalong to the west, Tullamore, Fifield and Derriwong to the east, Burcher and Tullibigeal to the south and as far as Tottenham to the north.”

Danielle has experience working in a mixed animal practice in Dalby, Queensland where she worked with a range of livestock species including pre-quarantine work for export cattle to Japan.

“I’ll be working with landholders throughout the Nyngan district including Girilambone, Hermidale, The Marra, Nevertire and Warren,” she stated.

“As district vet I can give advice on livestock health, investigate diseases, assist and help to manage biosecurity risks and undertake surveillance within the district to understand present livestock health issues,” she said.

“Being a Tottenham local I’m looking forward to immersing myself back in the local community and meeting landholders.”

Landholders with herd or flock animal health concerns can contact their LLS district vet to seek assistance. Single animal concerns can be directed to private vets.

Landholders wanting to get in touch with Kirsty (Thursday-Friday) can call her on 0428 434 336 or call 1300 795 299 other days. Danielle can be contacted on 0438 842 365.

Last Updated: 17/11/2021By

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