Frosty’s Memorial Bowls Day first commenced in Tottenham NSW, in 2016.

It was founded by Frosty’s niece Colleen and his mate Todd, who continue to lead the organisation each and every year, along with volunteers who have joined them along the journey.

Frosty was a beloved member of Colleen’s family and Tottenham’s small community, who was unexpectedly taken too soon due to a heart condition. He loved to fish, play a game of bowls, his family, friends and his footy.

This event allows the town to honour a fantastic man while raising much needed funds and exposure for The Heart Foundation, and over the most recent years, provide minor donations to local groups as well (including the Hospital, Pre School and this year, the Tottenham Central School & Soccer Club).

While, in 2020 the day had to be delayed due to COVID-19, the day was still a success.

Again, in 2021, it had to be delayed due to restrictions and stay at home orders, but was successfully run this past Saturday 16th October, complying with all COVID Public Health Orders of course. The event was smaller than previous years, some attendees weren’t able to attend due to ongoing PHO’s (only double vaccinated people could attend, no-one from Greater Sydney or interstate, limitations to greens) however Colleen, Todd and their crew did the best they could with what they were able to do.

This year, Tottenham was able to raise $7015.05. $6015.05 went to The Heart Foundation while both Tottenham Central School and the Soccer Club each got $500.

Frosty’s day is a fun filled, great day for anyone who attends. Anyone is welcome, young, or old. You don’t need to know how to play bowls either – just be prepared to have some fun (although they do get some competitive teams).

The Lawn Bowls ran over morning and afternoon sessions to find the winners, this year being much smaller than normal (as expected) with 14 teams, 3 people per team as well as spectators and others that joined for the auction.

The Bowls ended up with a play off of two Nyngan teams to determine champions of the day. Winners in the end were:
Rod and Rosie Ryan and Wayne Kearns!

They finished the day with an exciting live Auction.

The Auctioneer was Frosty’s nephew Donny Hayden, supported well by spotters, Steve Chase and Odin Marsden. Finally, they drew the major raffle while having plenty of fun along the way.
The team seeks donations of items/goods from businesses and in recognition of their support they offer the following:
– Businesses can provide their advertising banners, signs or other promotional products to be displayed on the day (they have attendees from Tottenham and other local communities, including Warren, Trangie, Yeoval, Orange, Dubbo, Nyngan, Tullamore, Parkes, Trundle and more).
– Businesses will be regularly promoted on our active Facebook page.
– A thank you letter from The Heart Foundation recognising their support.
– Their “word of mouth” – they make sure to always recommend their supporters throughout the year.

They’ve had some businesses support them from the beginning, continuing to support and donate each year.

They have had people attend in the past who have said the day was a great event to “step away” from daily stresses they have been facing (such as during the drought/being on remote farms); to catch up with mates, just relax and enjoy a day out, which is really important to Colleen and Todd, to create a day worth attending, that makes people smile and have fun.

“Frosty’s Memorial Resta” a permanent fixture at the Tottenham bowling club. Image: Contributed

“Frosty’s Memorial Resta” a permanent fixture at the Tottenham bowling club. Image: Contributed

The Robert "Frosty" Frost Memorial Shield. Image: Contributed

The Robert “Frosty” Frost Memorial Shield. Image: Contributed

The theme of the event was 'Where's Wally'! Image Credits: Contributed

The theme of the event was ‘Where’s Wally’! Image Credits: Contributed

Last Updated: 27/10/2021By

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