Lachlan Shire Council is currently seeking feedback from the community on the draft Rural and Industrial Land Use Strategy.
This Strategy will guide land use planning for industrial and rural development across the Shire for the next 20 years.
“The Strategy responds to a shortage of suitable industrial land within the Shire which is limiting the growth of the industrial sector, particularly in Condobolin, Lake Cargelligo, and Tottenham through the development of town structure plans,” a statement from Lachlan Shire Council on Monday, 6 December said.
“The plans reflect the high-level constraints and identify the options of expansion. The Strategy aims to ensure rural land is appropriately protected from the encroachment of inappropriate land uses and promotes diversification in the agricultural industry.
“It also recommends that the 400-hectare minimum lot size for dwellings in the Primary Production Zone is retained.”
The Draft Rural and Industrial Land Use Strategy is now on public exhibition for 60 days, from 29 November 2021 to 1 February 2022.
The document can be viewed at the following locations; Lachlan Shire Council Website:; Administration Offices – Condobolin and Lake Cargelligo; Tottenham Post Office; Tullibigeal Co-Op.
“In January 2022, Council staff will be out in the community at various locations to gain community feedback,” the statement went on to say.
“Locations will be advertised shortly.”
Further information relating to the Strategy can be obtained by contacting Council’s Manager Town Planning Bryce Koop on (02) 6895 1953.
Submissions to: Lachlan Shire Council, PO Box 216, Condobolin NSW 2877 or via email at will be received up until Tuesday 1 February 2022.
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