Behaviours and choices were two topics discussed at Lachlan Children Services on Wednesday, 17 June.

Educators noticed children’s behaviour and decision making was contributing to an unsafe environment.

“Even though educators were supporting children to make better choices throughout the morning, Miss Dakota had a great idea to provide your children with the opportunity to be involved and responsible for creating their own set of rules to help keep our preschool environment happy and safe,” a post, dated 18 June, on the Lachlan Children Services Facebook Page read.

“We all sat down together at group time to discuss our ideas for the rules.

“Miss Dakota utilised the smart board to write the children’s suggestions down.

“There were a lot of great rules put forth like no running or hitting friends.

“After we had come up with the rules, Miss Dakota read them out and encouraged us to repeat them after her. Miss Sam took this opportunity to discuss green play and red play choices with the children.

“Green play are the things we do that make the play last for longer and that make play fun.

“Red play are the things we do that can stop play and that can make play not very fun.

“We all agreed that we had created a great list of rules and to make sure everyone agreed to them, we signed our names to state we would follow the rules and help others to do this also.

“It was great to see this intentional teaching experience have so much impact on all the children, in regards to taking responsibility for themselves and their peers to do the right thing to keep us all safe. Lots of children reminded each other of the rules for the rest of the day and even referenced red and green play to describe their play interactions with peers.

“We will extend on this each day next week, utilising the smart board, our rules and our green/red play choices,’ the post concluded.

By Melissa Blewitt.

Last Updated: 02/07/2020By

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