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Condobolin Sports Club Bowls

Darren and Dan make the State Championships

After winning all their games at the NSW State Presidents Pairs in Dubbo two weeks ago, Darren and Dan Seton won the Zone Four Finals last Saturday in Mudgee which means they move on to the State Finals at Ettalong.

Two games of social bowls were played last Wednesday, the winners of the day being Al Stuckey and Dave Carter Jnr defeating Dan Seton and Steve Dawson and John Dopper and Max Johnson defeated Laurie Thompson and Uwe Kuhn.

Sunday saw three games played in the meat run. Winners of the vouchers were Pete Brasnett and Steve Dawson defeating Michael Waller and Uwe Kuhn. In the other games, Dave Carter Jnr and Brain Tickle defeated Al Stuckey and Pam Nicholl and Laurie Thompson, Dave Carter Snr and Liz Goodsell staged a dramatic and highly suspect come back to defeat John Dopper, Ray Burns and Nick Moody. Dave Snr’s magic lozenges have been sent off to the Australian Sports Drug Testing Laboratory for analysis.

In the Open Singles Championships, Michael Waller defeated DaveCarter Jnr, Brett Byrnes defeated Anthony Rodgers and Craig Jones defeated Brain Tickle.


Last Updated: 19/05/2021By

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