Condo Auto Sports host a weekend of fun

Condo Auto Sports held a weekend of fun on Saturday, 20 April and Sunday, 21 April. Flat Track was held on Saturday (20 April); while on Sunday (21 April) those who wanted to try out the track were able to experience the MX Ride Park Day. The Ride Park Day was for beginners to professionals. Condo Auto Sports is currently running a major raffle, where the prize is a 50th anniversary Honda CRF 450R. The prize was purchased from long time sponsor of Condo Auto Sports, Don Lark Motorcycles. Tickets are $50 each and there is a limited amount available. To purchase a ticket, simply message the Condo Auto Sports Facebook Page. All proceeds from the major raffle will go towards purchasing a tractor so Condo Auto Sports can improve their race grounds. Image Credits: Condo Auto Sports Facebook Page.

Last Updated: 02/05/2024By

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