Blood Bank coming to Condobolin

PIC: Jim Griffiths, who has been a regular whole blood donor since August 2000, was in town recently, distributing information on the blood donation process, and to promote the Mobile Blood Unit visit to the community, which will occur on Wednesday, 1 April. MB.

By Melissa Blewitt

The Australian Red Cross Blood Service needs your help.

Local residents are urged to visit the Mobile Blood Unit, which will be in Condobolin on Wednesday, 1 April from 7.45am to 12.45pm in the RSL Club Car Park (McDonnell Street).

Jim Griffiths, who has been a regular whole blood donor since August 2000, was in town recently, distributing information on the blood donation process, and to promote the Mobile Blood Unit visit to the community.

“Red Cross Blood Bank is always keen to hear from prospective new donors to help re-build supplies,” he explained.

“There is a recognition amongst the under-35’s that it’s time to become a blood donor and join in the wonderful experience of helping those people less fortunate as a result of  accident or illness.

“Those in this age group (18 to 35), who are becoming donors for the first time, are providing a tremendous boost to the blood collection program throughout NSW.

“And leading the way are the under-22 year olds who feel its “cool” to become a blood donor as they boost the increasing numbers of the donor population.”

The recent Red Cross Blood Bank initiative in texting donors to inform them of where their valued contribution has gone, is meeting with widespread acceptance and praise across Australia.

“This program was initiated a couple of years ago, and Jim Griffiths says donors are speaking out in volumes about the boost it gives their human feelings,” Mr Griffiths stated.

“Receiving that text in the days following your donation telling you where your blood has gone, and who it is helping, is such an up-lift, especially when it involves children.”

Anyone wishing to donate should ring 13 14 95, or visit to make an appointment, check medications currently prescribed, or taken in previous 80 days.

“Donors from the past who may have ceased for one reason or another, are encouraged to renew their 12-week contributions,” Mr Griffiths said.

“If you were told that a medication or medical procedure, prevented you from donating, make the call and check this out again as criteria is continually changing and being up-dated.”

Mr Griffiths urged donors to drink up to three or four glasses of water or juice in the three hours before they give blood; and make sure to have a good sized breakfast or lunch. He added it was important to bring your photo ID with you to your appointment.

Last Updated: 12/03/2020By

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