Image by Gundula Vogel from Pixabay


By Warren Chadd

The Lachlan Shire is home to around 250 bird species. Of those around 150 are permanent residents, while the other 100 species are part of a migrating population who travel through and use this area at different times of the year.

This area also lies along an inland migration route used by wading birds. These long-distance international travellers make journeys of up to 10 to 12,000 km twice a year between wintering grounds here in Australia and breeding grounds in the far north of the planet. They regularly use permanent and semipermanent wetlands in our area to stop and refuel their tiny bodies as they pass through on their migrations each year.

This is why maintaining areas such as sewer treatment works and wetlands is an important part of land management. The Gum  Bend Lake with its new wetland environment within the central island is already proving a valuable asset to those waders and other resident water birds. With careful consideration and management of areas like our lake, both animals and man can get a good result and live more closely in harmony with benefits for both. All it takes is a little bit of thought, a bit of compromise and the will to make it happen. My birdwatching mornings aim to create public awareness of our birds here along the Lachlan and facilitate a basic introduction for those who wish to pursue birdwatching as a hobby or recreation.

We will discover common species found here and easy ways to find and identify them along with the varied habitats they live in. We will also talk about the not so common and endangered bird species that call this area home. We will explore and discuss the different ways we can help reduce our effect on the natural world and maintain biodiversity and a y environment.
Birdwatching is relatively easy, bring your ears and eyes and a sturdy pair of shoes and you’re in business. And just a little bit of patience.

It’s a great way to slow down, clear your mind and ease the tensions of an increasingly stressful world. You will get some exercise while you’re at it and maybe even find out a few interesting facts along the way.

Last Updated: 24/03/2021By

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