During her Oxley Group tour, State President Stephanie Stanhope was entertained to afternoon tea by Myamley Branch members.

This being harvest time, not many members were available to attend.

Stephanie a former dairy farmer from Bega was very keen to learn a little of these larger farming areas and so was invited to view and experience harvesting of a crop of wheat at Manwaring’s which included a couple of laps in the header and Hurley’s Western Division cattle breeding country.

Next morning Stephanie was accompanied to Tottenham branch where members joined her for morning tea in the lovely CWA rooms before continuing on to Tullamore, Trundle, Bogan Gate, Parkes and Forbes branches. The Oxley Group Tour was most enjoyable and informative to both the president and members.

Contributed by Myamley CWA Member Patrisha Hurley.

Last Updated: 26/11/2020By

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