In Term Two, Condobolin Public School Stage Three students have been learning about sustainable farming practices with a focus on food and fibre.
They have also been exploring sustainable Indigenous practices, Australian farming and Japanese farming practices.
“It is fantastic learning about connections to country and culture,” a post on the Condobolin Public School Facebook Page read.
“What we admired about traditional Aboriginal practices was everything has a purpose, farming looked differently, but there was still management of the land by working with the seasons, plants, animals and environment.
“The sustainable practice of, Take Only What You Need, is something special.
“Knowing which plants to use and how to use them was very important. Plants were used to make fibre for weaving.
“Weaving is one of the oldest living crafts in the world. String, rope, baskets, dilly bags, fish traps, headbands and belts for ceremonies were a few ways fibre and weaving was used.
“During art 5/6C students completed their weaving with Ms Packham to create a small basket with wool. Students also looked at other materials such as lomandra and raffia.” Student Hattie’s sign, which read ‘The land is in my heart’ really summed up how students were feeling during the learning process.

Last Updated: 04/07/2022By

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