Orange’s Western Care Lodge and Cancer Care Western NSW Board Members Doctor Stuart Porges, John Carpenter, Jan Savage and Shelley Slade with brother Tony Slade (Condobolin), who is a Director of the Nell and Hermon Slade Trust. The Trust was recognised with the Western Care Lodge’s first “Perpetual Generosity Award” on Thursday, 14 July. Image Credit: Emily Gobourg (Central Western Daily).


A cancer diagnosis is something no one wants to receive. But the Western Care Lodge in Orange is a place where those dealing with all of the uncertainties this diagnosis can bring, can share their journeys and know they are not alone.
The Nell and Hermon Slade Trust has been a long-time supporter of the facility, from the building stage to completion.
This has meant they have been contributing to the facility, who helps those who need it most, for a combined annual period of 13 years.
The Trust has donated $67,400 in that time. Their $6,000 donation this year will go towards purchasing new chairs to put in bedrooms for guests
Condobolin’s Tony Slade is a Director of the Nell and Hermon Slade Trust and was in Orange on Thursday, 14 July to accept the Western Care Lodge’s first “Perpetual Generosity Award”. He received a Certificate and was able to view the plaque that was awarded to the Trust.
Mr Slade said it was important for the Trust to have more of a regional involvement, and the Western Care Lodge provided a sanctuary for those who are getting cancer treatment, who most of the time were a long way from home.
People travel from across the wider western region, including Condobolin and Lake Cargelligo, to access the services of the Western Care Lodge. Some 4,000 residents have accessed the self-care Lodge on the grounds of the Orange Health Service to date.
“The Slade trust is to become the first donor to receive this recognition of the new award which commemorates the longevity of support,” Cancer Care Western NSW Regional Funding and Marketing Coordinator Jan Savage explained.
“With Covid regulations it has become harder for donations to be provided and as such it is important for this valued support to be recognised.
“The donation money has been used to provide furnishings and update on replacement furnishings for 12 of the 13 years.
“One donation in 2015 was provided to support the seed funding of the Clinical Cancer Trials that was also support funded by Cancer Care Western NSW.
“The Trust is a family trust, and the ongoing generosity annually has meant so much to our organisation. It is a reinforcement of the work that we do, and the enduring generosity means so very much.
“Our organisation is run by volunteers who rely on recurrent funds to provide the best of services.
“Our group was formed in 2007 and we raised the $5.4 million Dollars through fundraising to build the 22-room accommodation, which has been described by guests as 4 to 5 star accommodation, situated a short walk from cancer services at the Orange Hospital (it is also adjacent to the Ex Services dining area on campus).
“When people come to the Lodge, at first you are scared and feel alone. Then you make new friends and can share your burdens together.
“That is why continued funding is so important – we want people to be able to share their experiences but also have a home away from home they can come back to after their cancer treatment.”

Last Updated: 11/08/2022By

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