CPS Reading Rockstars and Punctuality Pros

In the last week of Term One, Condobolin Public School students were rewarded for being Reading Rockstars and Punctuality Pros!

These awards are generated by the school’s library borrowing system. Students were given these awards in class, along with a small prize to recognise their efforts. Reading Rockstar awards are rewarded to students who have read 10 library titles this term. This is a massive achievement! Congratulations to the following Reading Rockstars: Jackson, Jayla, Olympia, Jarren, Annabelle, Henry, Troyson, Paddy, Georgia, Arlee W, Sarah, Elise, Dakoda D, Maggie, Makyrah, Evie, Layla W, Benji, Ted, Alrescha, Huxley, Arlee K, Janayah, and Tyrone.

Punctuality Pro awards are given to students who have returned 10 books on time, in a row! This is a great effort. Congratulations to the following Punctuality Pros: Maddox, Darcie, Sarah, Elise, and Brooke.

Last Updated: 02/05/2024By

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