Wiradjuri Condobolin Corporation language Program (WCC LP) has developed a one of a kind Indigenous language mobile keyboard app.
Gurray, the world’s first language keyboard app that empowers users to infuse their digital conversations with a rich array of Indigenous language.
Derived from the Wiradjuri word meaning “change or refreshment”*, Gurray transforms the way users integrate Indigenous languages into their digital conversations.
Gurray features multiple Indigenous languages, including Barngarla, Latji Latji, Mutti Mutti, Nari Nari, Tati Tati, Wadi Wadi, and Yorta Yorta**. People can seamlessly switch between Gurray and their device’s native keyboard to incorporate Indigenous languages into any app or context featuring text.
It is hoped the app will be able to bridge linguistic divides, promote cultural diversity and elevate Indigenous language usage in everyday life like never before.
With the tagline “type, find, replace,” Gurray simplifies the process of language switching, offering an innovative solution not found in traditional dictionary apps or any other solution to date.
How Gurray Works:
1). Type in English: Start typing your thoughts or messages in English, just as you normally would on any device
2). Discover Indigenous Words: As you type in English, Gurray intelligently displays contextually relevant words in your chosen Indigenous language
3). Replace English with Language: Simply tap on the suggested word in your native language that best fits the context and Gurray instantly replaces the English text with the selected Indigenous word
Gurray’s Key Features:
•Multiple Indigenous Languages: Gurray supports a wide range of indigenous languages – with more planned updates and additions in the future.
•User-Friendly Interface: The app boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for individuals of all ages and backgrounds to use.
•Cultural Preservation: Gurray is not a translation app but rather a tool that aids in preserving Indigenous languages by encouraging their use in everyday communication.
•Global Accessibility: Gurray is available for download on both iOS and Android devices, ensuring accessibility to users worldwide.
•Privacy and Security: Your privacy is paramount. Gurray adheres to the highest standards of data protection to ensure your personal information is kept secure and no user data is stored from the keyboards use.
It is important to note that while Gurray offers suggestions relative to the text typed, it does not provide comprehensive translations. For precise translations, users are encouraged to consult a language expert or grammar resource. WCC LP is committed to providing accurate and culturally respectful language resources and activities.
Gurray is a free resource made possible by the WCC Language Program, funded by the Australian Government’s Indigenous Language and The Arts program. While the initial release incorporates several languages, WCC LP is excited to collaborate with more language groups across the country to expand the app’s language offerings.
Gurray is now available for free download on the App Store and Google Play Store.
* Based on the work of Dr Stan Grant AM and Dr John Rudder.
** Language content used with permission. Data presented in Gurray from each respective dictionary app.
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