THROWBACK 2020: Successful Sister/Mister Day held


Marathon Health through the incredible support of CatholicCare hosted a Sister/Mister day on 11 November 2020 for NAIDOC Week.
The day was a huge success with bingo, darts, face painting and clothes drives that everyone could enjoy.
“We were very honoured that many of our local elders attended and were there to join in, share stories, have a yarn and a laugh and be a part of our very special day,” Marathon Health Wellbeing Facilitator – Condobolin Family Wellbeing Tracey Sauerbier explained.
“A big thankyou to Food works, Brayden Davis WBSP, Leading edge, Hope church and to this wonderful community of ours, for your generosity and kind donations.
“We would like to also thank everyone that came along and to the Shine ladies who helped organize this amazing event together. Look forward to NAIDOC Week celebrations 2021!!”

Last Updated: 23/12/2024By

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