THROWBACK 2019: Six become Australian citizens

JULY 2019:

In 2019 Lachlan Shire Council recently held a Citizenship Ceremony at its Chambers to formally recognise six new Australian residents.
Irene Mendoza Gile (Condobolin), Choi Yun Lee (formerly of Tottenham now of Warren), Robert Scott (Albert), Raj Harishkumar Yagnik (Lake Cargelligo), Renato Jr Cariaga Yumol (Lake Cargelligo) and Nicale Zairon Sarisari Yumol (Lake Cargelligo) took part in the Ceremony and now find themselves among Australia’s newest citizens.
The Ceremony is the final step in the journey for those wanting to become an Australian citizen. It also allows others present the opportunity to affirm their loyalty to Australia in a similar way to the new citizens.
Lachlan Shire Mayor John Medcalf and General Manager Greg Tory were in attendance at the event and were more than pleased to welcome all to Australia.
Mr Medcalf gave a warm welcome and an official address to start proceedings. Mr Tory also gave an official address on the day.
Mr Medcalf read a statement from Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, David Coleman, as part of the event.
“We are immensely proud of what we have achieved as a nation, and we welcome you in joining us,” Mr Medcalf recited.
“Our history and culture has been forged over thousands of years, first through Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and more recently with people from all corners of the earth.
“Australia has succeeded as a nation by embracing – and defending – our national values. We believe in freedom, in the rule of law, in democracy. We believe that all people are equal, regardless of their cultural background, gender, race or religion.
“We are a resilient nation. We have overcome world wars, depression, drought and flood. We stand with other strong democracies in helping to defend and protect hard fought freedoms.
“By committing yourself to Australia today, you have chosen to embrace our nation and its values. Like so many millions of people throughout our history, you have decided to take on the rights – and responsibilities – of Australian citizenship.
“On behalf of the Australian Government, I congratulate you on reaching this very special day. It’s now your responsibility to join all of us in building an even stronger nation.”
The candidates took the Australian Citizenship Pledge and were then presented with their Certificate of Australian Citizenship. All those in attendance then sang the Australian Anthem, Advance Australia Fair.
At the conclusion of the Ceremony all new citizens and their loved ones enjoyed a lovely morning tea.

Last Updated: 23/12/2024By

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