THROWBACK 2019: Myles marches out

JULY 2019:

Myles Dickson Taylor participated in a March Out on Friday, 5 July 2019 after a gruelling three months of training at the Army Training Centre Kapooka (Blamey Barracks) in Wagga Wagga. Myle’s family and friends attended the March Out, including his grandparents Maurie and Wendy Seton and Anne Taylor. Mum Monique Seton, Father Darren and Tania Taylor, and Auntie Kim. Myles is now part of the 24 Platoon Charlie Company as of June 2019. He will now report to Albury, where he will begin his Auto Electrical Trade in the Australian Army. Myles attended Condobolin High School, completing his HSC in 2018. He also worked at Chamen’s Supa IGA until he enlisted in the Army. Images Contributed.

Last Updated: 23/12/2024By

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