Mrs Carina Fry, Condobolin Public School Principal Ms Lorraine Farrugia and Ms Michelle Horvat with students who took part in the 2023 School Spectacular event. The group raised an amazing $4,500 by raffling 25 prizes generously donated by local businesses. Image Credit: Melissa Blewitt.


Twelve Condobolin Public School students had the time of their lives when they were part of the School Spectacular recently.
But before they began their performance journey, they fundraised for the trip. They raised an amazing $4,500 by raffling 25 prizes generously donated by local businesses.
The students were members of the Primary Concourse Choir. Combined choir is made up of just over 2,400 students from across the state. Some 5,500 students involved in the entire spectacular performance.
This year was the 40th anniversary of School Spectacular. The theme was FabuloUS.
“Our choir students committed to rehearsals during their recess on Mondays and lunch on Thursdays as well as additional practice at home,” Condobolin Public School Assistant Principal Curriculum Instruction Michelle Horvat said.
“Mrs Fry and Ms Horvat were impressed with the enthusiasm and beautiful voices of the choir students.
“There were 28 songs to learn. Unfortunately, choir members Lacey and Isabella sustained injuries a week before the Spectacular, which prevented them from making it to Sydney.
“Students have whole choir, full day rehearsals Wednesday and Thursday prior to the event, plus performances Friday and Saturday each. They will not get to bed before 10pm on Saturday evening!
“We would like to extend thanks to our generous and supportive community, who helped us with fundraising and donations towards this special experience.”
The raffle, with all prizes donated by local businesses, had 25 prizes in total and raised $4,500.
“We were also fortunate to have community donations from Condobolin CWA, Rotary Condobolin, Diggers Swim Club, and the Lister Family. Fundraising and donations made the experience of five days at Sydney Olympic Park, much more affordable for families,” Ms Horvat said.
“Thank you to community and families!”
The winners of the raffle prizes were Tony Broadley (Nate’s Hair – Gift Pack values at $110); Suzie Stewart (Theo’s Railway Restarurant – $50 Voucher); Amanda Hull (Shortis and Timmins Pharmacy – Gift Basket); Ray Fisk (Cin Cin Hire – $20 Voucher); Meg Crouch (The Paper Fold – Handmade Paper Flowers and Workshop Voucher); Vanessa Worthington (Condo Honey – Gift Pack and 7.5 kilograms of honey); Robyn Ries (Stem The Florist – $100 Gift Card); Denise Thompson (Logan Thorpe Fitness Gift Card); Rebo Blattman (Dubbo Western Plains Zoo – Family Pass); Matt Kendall (Owens Rural – Ceramic Bird Bath); Raymond Johnstone (Happy Daze – $20 Gift Voucher); Mick Hanlon (Happy Daze – $20 Gift Voucher); Casey Thompson (Happy Daze – $20 Gift Voucher); Paula Bennett Brown (Happy Daze – $20 Gift Voucher); Amy Milne (Happy Daze – $20 Gift Voucher); V Golya (The Hall – Gift Voucher); Nicola Condron (Condo Pool – Family Season Pass); Spook (Equipment and Service – $100 Credit Voucher); James (Made by Maggie – Maggie Anderson Earrings); Susan Stewart (Leanne’s Hair Dressing – Gift Pack); Pippa Newell ($50 Why Leave Town Card); Kellie Pawsey (BP Condo Bowser Bean – $50 Voucher); Susan Stewart (My Crochet Hook – Hand Crocheted Basket – Shan Windsor); Janet Sloane (Ella Mobbs – Earrings); Anastasia Phillips (Condo Newsagency – Woven Rug); Claire Owen (Railway Hotel – 1.5 Litre Shiraz); Ros Auckett (Condobolin Betta – Gift); Addison Pawsey (Insta Go – Blender).

Last Updated: 08/12/2023By

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