By Melissa Blewitt
The 2021 Condobolin Preschool and Childcare Centre Aboriginal design shirt has been designed by Belinda Coe.
On 14 January the facility welcomed a visit from Belinda, who was presented with a shirt of her own.
The story behind the design:
- The large white circle represents a meeting place (Condobolin) and the upside-down U shape symbols represents the people of Condobolin, different sizes for the young and old.
- The lines that wrap around the meeting place and people connects us to our town, we are all linked and belong.
- The Goanna (Gugaa) is the Wiradjuri totem as we reside in Wiradjuri Country.
- The hands represent the educators and children of our Centre and the smaller circles represent other meeting places that also play a vital part of our community.
- Included in the smaller meeting places are letters and numbers to provide a fun inactive educational aspect.
“The staff and children love the new design, thank you, Belinda” a post on the Condobolin Preschool and Childcare Centre Facebook Page read.
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