Staff and Belinda Coe (front row right) showcase the 2021 Condobolin Preschool and Childcare Centre Aboriginal design shirt. Belinda designed the shirt for the facility. Image Credit: Condobolin Preschool and Childcare Centre Facebook Page.


By Melissa Blewitt

The 2021 Condobolin Preschool and Childcare Centre Aboriginal design shirt has been designed by Belinda Coe.

On 14 January the facility welcomed a visit from Belinda, who was presented with a shirt of her own.

The story behind the design:

  • The large white circle represents a meeting place (Condobolin) and the upside-down U shape symbols represents the people of Condobolin, different sizes for the young and old.
  • The lines that wrap around the meeting place and people connects us to our town, we are all linked and belong.
  • The Goanna (Gugaa) is the Wiradjuri totem as we reside in Wiradjuri Country.
  • The hands represent the educators and children of our Centre and the smaller circles represent other meeting places that also play a vital part of our community.
  • Included in the smaller meeting places are letters and numbers to provide a fun inactive educational aspect.

“The staff and children love the new design, thank you, Belinda” a post on the Condobolin Preschool and Childcare Centre Facebook Page read.

Last Updated: 10/03/2021By

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