The winners of the weekly Draw that was held Friday, 24 November are as follows: $10 Foodworks voucher Melie Owens, Shirley Johnson and Samantha Preuss and Nancy Capewell, $20.00 Happy Daze voucher Emma-Rea Baxter and Chris Thorpe, $30.00 voucher HMR Owens Rural Amanda Brick, Goods from Stem the florist Tanya Ambrose and Peta Perrin, $50.00 voucher Gallery 104 Chris Leahy, $50.00 voucher from Betta Home Electrical Roberta Turnbull, $50.00 Voucher Vane Tempest Bros Simone Beattie, $100.00 Chamens IGA voucher, Dave Carter, Jessica Marshall, Freddy Hocking and Tom Clemson and lastly $150 voucher from EvvE Collective was won by Colleen Staines.
Carol-Anne Malouf was on hand to help with the draw.
Contributed by Condobolin Chamber of Commerce President Vicki Hanlon.
Winners of the Major Draw held on Friday 1st December will be posted in the coming weeks.
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