John and Val have been a dynamic volunteering team in our area for over 50 years. During that time they have each participated fully in community life with both holding positions on various committees over the years. They are highly regarded and talented artisans who have produced local pottery, leather work and wool crafts including spinning and dyeing from sheep’s back.

They are founding members of the Tottenham Tourist Committee and are both very actively involved, they continue to be a driving force with John still being the Treasurer after many years in the role. The Tourist Information Centre is run completely on volunteer power with John and Val covering at least 4 days a month. 4 days a month over an estimated 20 years is quite a commitment, that’s 960 days and equates to John and Val volunteering over 2.5 years of their time helping to keep the doors of the Information Centre open for our visitors. This is of great benefit to the community as they welcome visitors to the area and promote our town, they have a great understanding of the importance of attracting visitors to the area.

Organisations that they have had an involvement with over the years are:
• Tottenham Tourist Committee as founding members
• Tottenham Welfare Council
• Tottenham Men’s Shed
• Tottenham CWA
• Balgay Tennis Club
• Tottenham Tennis Club
• Tottenham Golf Club
•Tottenham Historical Society

They are wonderful representatives for Tottenham.

Source: Contributed

Last Updated: 10/02/2021By

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