Chamber of Commerce future in doubt
The future of the Condobolin Chamber of Commerce is in doubt due to the lack of support from the business community, according to outgoing Chairperson Vicki Hanlon.
A lack of enthusiasm and failure to take on key roles means the organisation is danger of becoming stagnant, she said.
“Last year we had the biggest and best street carnival to date in Condobolin and everyone was impressed and had a great time,” Vicki explained.
“These are the very types of things that won’t be happening in Condobolin unless the Chamber can gain more support and form a committee – it is time for others to step up and take on the load.
“A lot of businesses say what is in it for me to join? What will I get for my $65? You will get to work closely with Lachlan Shire, have an opportunity to put your ideas forward and come up with something new to be part of the solution in these trying economic times.
“You can support each other, the businesses who become financial members are much appreciated, but people really need to come to the meetings.
“I know the Chamber in its current form isn’t a traditional Chamber that focuses on business development, networking events and workshops etc, however the ability able to deliver some of these types of events was there in the early years, but as support has dropped off from attendees at these events as well as members of the Chamber at meetings, the Chamber has only been able to deliver the Business Awards and the Street Festival and Shop Local campaign in recent years.
“Please consider attending the meetings and maybe taking on a position, Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Secretary are up for grabs,” she concluded.
The Condobolin Chamber of Commerce Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 5 February from 6pm in the Council Meeting Room.
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