LVU Zone Day 2
After an amazing start to the Zone weekend, and with 15 places already, could the weekend get any better?
Yes, it could. Saturday was long, and full of emotion, but as Sunday rolled around it was time for our beautiful 9’s, 10’s, 11’s, 12’s, 13’s and 14’s to take the floor.
Our dedicated teachers didn’t miss a beat and were there first thing ready to support and encourage their girls.
The 9 years started strong, with beautiful performances all round. A wonderful achievement of 2nd place for Annabelle Allen, with Lucy Miles and Pippa Newell making the final.
Next, the 10 years were absolutely stunning. It was extremely exciting to watch EVERY SINGLE LVU 10 years girl march out into the final! Out of a possible 10 finalists, 7 were from our club.
This is a huge testament to the dedication and commitment of the girls and their incredible teachers. The awards were as follows: 2nd place, Willow Frost, 3rd, Georgia Stewart, 4th, Harlow Smith, 5th Danielle Hornery, and Finalists Stella Jarick, Cleo Whiley and Eleanor Osborne.
The talent and hard work of the 9-10’s group shone through in the team sections as well, with Lachlan Valley taking out 1st place.
Both of the two Lachlan Valley 11-12’s teams, a mix of Condo and Forbes members, performed the best they ever had. The result: 2nd for the Blue team and 4th place for the Diamond team, making their teachers so proud once again.
A quick outfit change and the 11’s were back in the hall for the individual Champion girl competition. The 11’s was a very tough section, with an impressive standard of work from all competitors.
Our talented and hardworking girls were thrilled to achieve 1st, Emily Riches, 2nd, Deniesse Donaire, and 4th, Ana Phillips, as well as Hayley Bell and Rubie Haworth who made the final.
The 12’s were a smaller but still very talented group, in which our Maddi Hornery and Grace Macdonald shone, awarded 1st and 2nd place.
Our final group for the day were the 13/14’s. Stunning performances were given by all, with our beautiful Karla and Lacey earning well deserved 3rd and 4th place.
Last but not least, the 15 years girls, dressed in various shades of pink, put on a gorgeous display.
Pink is worn in honour of a very special Physie teacher, Dianne, who sadly lost her battle with breast cancer eight years ago.
A huge congratulations and well done to all the Associates, teachers, judges and family members who work so hard to make Western Zone the incredible event that it is.
It is a wonderful opportunity for our beautiful Physie girls to show their strength, courage, hard work and talent.
We wish all place getters the best as they head to Sydney to compete at the national level – we know you will represent your Zone beautifully!
Contributed by LVU Physie Ladies.
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