Recently, Mini Vinnies students from Condobolin, Forbes and Peak Hill joined with the students at Holy Family Primary School in Parkes for a fantastic 2023 Central West Mini Vinnies (MV) Gathering. “A Mini Vinnies Gathering is a day to meet MV groups from other schools, to pray together for the needs of our community, to hear what other groups are doing and to get new ideas about what their MV group can do in the future,” a post on the Vinnies Central and Far West NSW Facebook Page read. “An amazing team of Vinnies members from Red Bend Catholic College led the day, which included workshops on topics such as homelessness, bullying, migrants and refugees, poverty and mental health. “Other activities included presentations by the students on the good work they have been doing in their community and a fun interactive quiz! “A truly amazing day,” the post concluded. Image Credit: Vinnies Central and Far West NSW Facebook Page.
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