Wayimaa Bird Watching Excursion

On Monday 6th May, Wayimaa students from Lake Cargelligo Central School were treated to an excursion to local bird watching areas.

The excursion was led by local bird experts Rebecca VanDyk and Lorinda O’Neill. This excursion compliments the living things unit about animal behaviour and environments that students have been studying in science.

While on the excursion students were taught how to identify birds firstly by listening for their call, then carefully moving through the bush to hopefully spot them and take a photo. After taking a photo the students could confirm their spotting.

There was great excitement when students spotted a male and female Red Capped Robin. Rebecca explained that they were together because it is close to nesting season. There was even more excitement when Bella spotted the smallest bird in Australia, a Weebil!

“We are immensely grateful for Rebecca and Lorinda’s time. They made the day so enjoyable for everyone. Some students have been quoted saying “It was the best day at school ever!”” read a post on the schools Facebook page.

Source and Image Credits: Lake Cargelligo Central Schools Facebook page.

Last Updated: 23/05/2024By

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