Murray Cod open season officially commenced on Friday, 1 December 2023, following the annual three-month breeding closure.
Now that these iconic native sportfish have completed their breeding cycle, many anglers are expected to take the opportunity to wet a line during the summer period.
As the Murray Cod season opens, Fisheries Officers will be out on the water to ensure that recreational fishers adhere to the bag and size limits along with all other fishing rules that apply.
A daily bag limit of two Murray Cod per person and a total possession limit of four applies when fishing in any inland waters. Fishers are required to release Murray Cod smaller than 55 centimetres, or bigger than 75 centimetres, with the least possible harm. Anyone with information on suspected illegal fishing activity is urged to contact their local Fisheries office, call the Fishers Watch phone line on 1800 043 536 or make a report online. **Information and image courtesy of NSW DPI Fisheries Facebook Page.
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