Condobolin Sports Club Mens Golf
Saturday we played the March monthly medal for the Lloyd Merritt and Brian Tickle trophies, thanks guys for your generous support. Winner of the A grade medal was Jack Taylor with 69 nett on a c/b from Mark Stenhouse 69 nett.
B grade winner was Karl Crow with 67 nett, runner up was Rob Keen with 68 nett.
Gravity cup winner was the sand green putter, M. Stenhouse with 22 putts.
Ball comp winners B. Hurley, Z. Mitchell, S. Beattie, C. Venables, S. Taylor, G. Nagle, E. Richards, J. Coupland and T. Stuckey, 74 nett the cutoff.
NTPs all grades Lionel Coombs gets 8 balls, no. 9 R. Hill and J. Coupland, no. 11 B. Hurley and R. Keed, no. 17 B. Hurley and R. Keed.
The lucky card draw went off with Karl Crow topping off a good day winning $120, next week it’s back to $100.
The Doug Parnaby winter eclectic is underway, as is the start of the winter programme. Next weekend we will start the Lachlan Agencies individual matchplay, names need to be in by Friday 6 pm, for the draw to be done, you may have a week or two to get that first game done, so if you can’t make it this Saturday, still enter the competition and we’ll try and accommodate you, but no shenanigans, if you are both present at golf the match must be played.
Sunday a good rollup played a mixed American foursome for the Hurley’s trophies, winners were Brett Byrnes and Wendy Ryan with 68 nett, runners up were the Hurley’s with 69 nett, NTPs no. 11 Beck Hurley, no. 17 Brett Byrnes and Kate Stuckey.
Mister Nothergreen
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