The United Hospital Auxiliary (UHA) Condobolin Branch will no longer continue with their Helipad Project.
Financial and regulatory restrictions have meant pursuing the venture is no longer a viable option for the organisation.
The group passed a resolution at its May meeting, not to continue with the development. In the beginning there was a budget of $100,000 for the completion of the Project. It is now estimated that it would cost in excess of $700,000 to complete.
United Hospital Auxiliary Condobolin Branch President Kim Jones said while the decision not to pursue the Helipad project was disappointing, the UHA would focus on its fundraising efforts which helps provide equipment to the Condobolin Hospital.
“The UHA has tried for many, many years to see the Helipad Project come to fruition,” she explained.
“Our journey began in 2002, when the idea was first brought up with the Health Council. We got passed the project from them because they could not deal with the financial side, and as the UHA was a not-for-profit organisation it was felt we could handle the project. That was the recommendation of the Health Service Manager at the time.
“We really have tried our hardest, and worked for many, many years to make this work. But due to changing circumstances and regulations plus the many challenges the project faced, it was the UHA’s conclusion that we simply could not move forward with the Project.”
There were many ups and downs during the Helipad Project journey, according to Ms Jones and long time UHA Condobolin Branch Patron Dick Gavel.
“During the course of the project we relocated to a new site, and we were going to go ahead with that. And we got very close, but more obstacles were put in our path,” they stated.
“The site was the reserve near the train station, which would have been ideal as it is flat and there are no powerlines, but alas it was not to be. Meetings were also held with interested groups, but a Crowns Lands Claim was made, meaning this was not an option any longer.
“In 2020, we went back to the Hospital to see if we could identify a new site, but that did not eventuate either.”
During the course of the Helipad Project, the UHA Condobolin Branch has spent $111,000 in preparing the site at the Condobolin Hospital.
“The UHA has done a lot to aid in the preparation of the site at the Condobolin Hospital. There has been lots of work done including relocating gas tanks and putting powerlines underground,” Ms Jones said.
“However, about six months ago after discussions with the Western NSW Local Health District, the UHA received advice that a helipad at Condobolin Hospital would cost over $700,000. The UHA is holding $168,000 to complete the Project.
“Due to all the obstacles and the climbing costs, the UHA felt we had no other choice but to stop pursuing the Helipad Project. We are not blaming anyone; this is just how the situation has evolved.
“We want to be transparent with the community about the reasoning behind our decision.
“All the money that has been collected for the Helipad Project has been set aside. If anyone has made a sizeable donation towards the Project, and they feel they want their money returned, we are holding the money so we can give it back if that is what is wanted. However, if they want to leave their funds with the UHA, we will utilise it in the best possible way.”
The UHA Condobolin Branch is committed to helping the Condobolin Hospital and the local community.
“We are still working extremely hard for the Hospital. We are having almost monthly functions to fundraise. We are raising money to improve the care for patients – because that is our motto,” Ms Jones said.
“It’s about making the patient’s stay in hospital as comfortable and as nice as possible. We have just brought new televisions for all the wards and have previously ensured that there are comfortable chairs in all the wards.
“We are also in talks with the Hospital now to see what they need. They are compiling a list of what they may need our help with. This could be things such as purchasing a new emergency bed. We provided the first one, but they still only have one proper emergency bed, so we are looking to help them get another one.
“We are constantly working with the hospital to ensure that we help them as much as possible. We are holding street stalls and barbecues to fundraise. We made over $3,000 in May and that will all help us to continue to support the Hospital and the community.
“Our dedicated members work extremely hard and we will always act in the best interests of the Hospital and the community. Some of our members have been with us for over 40 years and we have been lucky to add a small number of new members to our group.
“We, are of course, very disappointed in relation the Helipad Project, but our vital work with the Condobolin Hospital will continue. We are very lucky to have the qualified staff at the Hospital that we do and we will work with them.
“We did not want to give up but circumstances beyond our control have meant this decision has had to be made. Our focus is helping the Hospital and the community as much as we can.”

Last Updated: 14/06/2023By

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