Kiara selected to join Pulse Alive Touring Showband and Vocalists

After performing at pulse alive Condobolin High School student Kiara Roussety was selected to join the Pulse Alive Touring Showband and Vocalists recently. Kiara, along with 25 other students travelled to Broken Hill where they spent the week running full day workshops for primary students from Years Three to Six and secondary school students from Year Nine to 12. These students were taught dances and songs so they themselves could have a chance to be a part of the show. “It was very fun to be able to teach and work with all the younger kids during the workshops, and to give the secondary students tips and tricks so they could perform too,” Kiara explained in a post on the Condobolin High School Facebook Page. “It was a very life changing experience, to be able to be given the opportunity to watch the students grow and gain the confidence to perform themselves was amazing and I am forever grateful.” Image Credits: Condobolin High School Facebook Page.

Last Updated: 27/06/2024By

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