Willowbend Sports Centre in Condobolin will remain closed, despite the NSW Government’s announcement that gymnasiums can reopen from 13 June 2020.

Lachlan Shire Council is awaiting the release of a Public Health Order that will outline the requirements for gymnasiums to allow Council to implement the required measures to allow the gymnasium to open.

“Council takes its duty of care for the community seriously and, in the interests of public safety, will wait until the Health Orders are updated and Council has the relevant plans in place to meet those requirements before the gym will re-open,” a Lachlan Shire Council statement released on Friday, 12 June said.

“Council is also about to commence advertising for a new contractor to operate the Sports Centre which can now take place with the easing of COVID-19 restrictions,” the statement concluded.

By Melissa Blewitt.

Last Updated: 25/06/2020By

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