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Watertight Solutions Trophies

Condobolin Sports Club Golf
Saturday 17th August, we played a 4b aggregate sponsored by Watertight Solutions. Thanks Coops for your support. Winners of the day were Zac Mitchell and Andrew Brassnett with 41 points, runners up were Jack Jones and Michael Haydon with 78 points.
Ball comp winners I. Myers and R. Edwards 73, D. Hall and B. Hurley 72, J and H Coupland 69.
NTPs all grade D. Lark, no. 9 M. Haydon, no. 11 S. Beattie and J. Keeley, no.17 J. Adams and A. Brassnett.
LCD Beat was present.
Sunday 18th August a few attacked the Burcher open, Steve Beattie taking out the day, Brad Hurley winning the Handicap and Greg Moncrieff winning a 9 hole event.
Next Saturday there will be an individual stableford with early tee off available for those who wish to attend the show, and on Sunday there is a choice of going to the Peak Hill or Trangie opens.
29th August our club championships will begin, two weekends, Saturday/Sunday, big commitment but they don’t give championships away, you have to earn them.
Names must be in by the day before, the sheets on the board.
A reminder that all memberships should be paid, and all carts registered with the club or no play, very simple.
Rains been great, spring just around the corner, get excited.

How good is golf?
Mister Nothergreen.

Last Updated: 21/08/2024By

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