Despite changes in taste, odour and colour of the Condobolin water supply, Lachlan Shire Council is assuring the local community that it is safe to drink.
Council said, while the water may not currently look or smell that appealing, residents are advised that it does meet the national drinking water standards and is safe to drink.
“Council staff have been working around the clock to investigate and identify the source of the issue. To date, all evidence is suggesting that the low flows in the Goobang Creek during the last few weeks has decreased the quality of the raw water we are able to draw,” Lachlan Shire Council’s Acting General Manager Jon Shillito explained.
“Residents can be assured that the quality of the town water supply meets the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, and is safe for human consumption. However, at present, our filtration plant is unable to remove the aesthetic problems of the earthy odour and taste.
“I can report that increases in water flows in the Goobang Creek happened recently, and has improved the raw water quality, which has resulted in an improved treated water supply.”
Over coming days, Council will continue to flush key water mains to remove the water containing the poor taste and smell from the system.
Council takes this opportunity to thank the community for their patience, and any further inquiries relating to water quality can be directed to Council’s Infrastructure Services Department on 02 6895 1900.

Last Updated: 16/03/2022By

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