THROWBACK 2020: 100 days of Kindergarten


Condobolin Public School students celebrated 100 days of Kindergarten on Monday, 7 September. Teachers Mrs Rees and Mrs Leslie were so excited to greet students, looking a little different than normal, with their grey hair and wrinkles. Many students also dressed up in examples of how they thought they would look 100 years from now. During the day they participated in numeracy activities. Kindergarten sorted 100 Fruit Loops into groups of 10 and then threaded them into a necklace. Students learned the best way to make a group of ten is to organise them into a ten frame. This helps with quickly checking there are definitely 10 in the group. Students also practiced counting to 100 by 10’s and 1’s. During their Visual Arts classes, Kindergarten were asked to use the digits of 100 to create a picture. There were lots of beautiful butterflies, some crazy monster trucks, sunflowers, birds, a swimming pool, a man’s face and even a horse. Image Credits: Condobolin
Public School Facebook Page.

Last Updated: 23/12/2024By

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